BMX bikes are suitable for tricks, jumps and turns, more precisely for bicycle acrobatics, since all tricks with the bike are rather sophisticated maneuvers and have little to do with ordinary cycling. Therefore, BMX bikes are also specially designed for the extreme requirements and are not suitable for tours on asphalt roads. The stocky construction makes the Artist's companions extremely agile, which can be purchased for as little as 300 Euros. Professionals are also happy to spend around 1000 Euros on their BMX.
flatland, race, street, park, dirt and vert
Race describes the fast biking over hill and dale on specially designed tracks - just like motocross. This is the best way to compare a form of BMX sport, after all, this is also where it originated: Fascinated by motocross, some young people once began to imitate motor sports with their bikes and thus laid the foundation for those exciting disciplines which today attract large crowds of spectators even at European Championships. Demanding tracks are mastered, which are peppered with obstacles such as narrow concrete curves and steep hills ...
At first the German riders* were at the top of the field, but unfortunately their success has decreased. Nevertheless, we hope that our riders* will be able to continue their former performances and even top them, because this colorful freestyle sport remains unique. For example, women and men mixed as well as children from the age of 5 years can already participate - in which other sport is something similar to this to be found? For the first time in 2008, BMX athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games and the discipline "BMX Race" - proof of the great popularity and above all of the riders' high level of skill, which is worthy of an Olympic Games.

As the name quickly suggests, freestyle describes freer and more creative variations of BMX cycling.
The generic term "Freestyle" is split up into Flatland, Street, Park, Dirt and Vert, whereby one can get a quick overview. In Dirt Jump, jumps and associated tricks are performed in the air. Jumps can be over ten meters, which shows how high the material demands on the bikes are. A limited area is used in the park, which is specially designed for tricks with the BMX. Obstacles such as ramps and curved sections are used in order to master them as spectacularly as possible using tricks.
Flatland is probably best compared to a dance on a bicycle, which also requires the grind bars, so-called pegs, which are attached to the rear and front wheels. Trick combinations are performed, ingenious acrobatics, which rather reminds of breakdance. This very hip sport and the competitions associated with it require years of training and an unwavering bite from the rider, who must not shy away from maximum concentration or falls. As the previous description already reveals, the Flatland in particular is a slightly modified version of the typical BMX bike. Not only pegs are needed, but also a shortened wheelbase and stem as well as a longer seat post.
Street: Obstacles from our everyday environment are used by the Street-BMXers for their tricks, mastering railings as well as walls - simply everything that comes in front of the wheels and is "somehow passable" ... sportiness and creativity are equally indispensable.
Vert: The Vert-bikers simply use the halfpipes of our skateboarders, similar to the category "park", to complete them as impressively as possible.
Only the best for our true bike-artists

It goes without saying that with jumps of up to 10 meters and the variety of tricks and stunts, there are special requirements for all bicycle components. Up to quadruple crossed spokes are as much a part of the features of BMX bikes as U-brakes and large stable pedals. In general, attention is paid to a compact design, with the stable frame as the foundation. For long legs, an extended top tube is the best choice, because the decisive factor for tricky tricks is that your knees must never get in the way ...
Specialities and features
Because of the demands, freestyle bikes have special features such as a 360° rotor and the pegs already mentioned. The top tube length is decisive for the corresponding riding style. The stable frame must reliably absorb heavy braking and steering energy, but not only it: all other components must also shine with extreme stability. A freestyle biker needs full control, no matter what maneuver he is performing. Some of these are very breakneck, which shows how steadfastly a BMX rider must trust his bike. With a lot of tricks and stunts, an unclouded balance is essential, which is why BMX bikes need a well-balanced frame geometry. With many meters in the air, this can decide between success or a hard fall, because that's when every wrongly placed kilogram becomes noticeable.
A BMXer expects not only a lot of fun with his racing machine, but rather maximum stability and functionality. When the handlebars feel like extended arms and a harmonious and intuitive riding experience is achieved, the rider can take on any challenge. So with our bikes we sell not only quality, but courage. Rider and bike can become one, and the result of all this is what we are able to admire: a high level of riding skill, peppered with various maneuvers, sensational jumps and inspiring tricks. We love BMX bikes because they are something very special - as special as their riders. Strong and stable like a tank, resistant like a rock and yet as agile and agile as a squirrel ... Only freestyle bikes can combine completely opposite qualities!
Make everything you see your challenge: the next staircase, a bank or a curb, every obstacle becomes another success for you, a new climbed step on your personal winner's podium ... Master races over hills and dirt, outdo your competition and standards: With our freestylers from Scott and Cube!