The seat is therefore also relevant; after all, longer tours should not be at the expense of comfort. Since a fitness bike is intended to be used for regular, i.e. frequent, training sessions, it is advisable to pay close attention to crucial components and also to the feel of the bike. In addition, you should know your own constitution well in order to neither under- nor overtax yourself. In addition to a perfectly tuned bike, a sophisticated fitness plan, individually tailored to your fitness level and goals, is helpful.
What should you look out for?
- When riding, keep your back straight
- Look for lightweight material, such as aluminium
- Look for narrow tyres to keep rolling resistance as low as possible
- Your individual ergonomic requirements must determine the size of your bike and its components. Your stride length, arm length, torso length and body height are decisive for this. Take measurements and then get advice
- Look for the optimal saddle height to prevent muscle pain and to make the riding experience as comfortable as possible. Only then can you get the best out of yourself
By the way: Your heart rate should be between 120-140 during training - perfect for burning fat. The equipment of your fitness bike leaves a lot to be desired. For example, you can choose narrow or better-tread tyres according to your preferred routes, which allows you to train even on gravel roads. At the same time, the choice of suspension fork, brake and wheel determines the terrain on which you can train best with your fitness bike.